Thursday, 18 November 2010

Photoshop Thumbnails

Thumbnail 1: Coral Cave

Thumbnail 2: Light Experiment

Thumbnail 3: Ocean Floor Clearing

Thumbnail 4: 2 point perspective experiment... leadint to next thumbnail

Thumbnail 5: 3 Point perspective of the city of Atlantis

Thumbnail 6: Climb to Atlantis with fallen trees.


  1. I'm LOVING these thumbnails, Kay - LOVE the stylisation!!!! Fab!

  2. Iv been thinking in layers of basic shapes of the coral and because iv never really done perspective drawings before this way seems to be working best for me. Im unsure if the way im doing this is considered as a style? ...more are on the way!

  3. ... well, it's certainly very stylish! :-)

    Ps - it's good to have you back making a buzz - you had me worried there! Personally, I'd be tempted to make the most of this aesthetic you're generating - it's concept art for an animation after all - not life...
