not sure when you'll happen upon this comment, but I've read your Time Machine essay and... well, you can relax :D It benefited from a good, clear introduction and an admirable breadth of ideas. It can't have been easy, writing about the living dead when the sun was shining outside, but you've done it now, so I'll see you in Year 2 - but in the meantime I look forward to seeing how your summer project comes along... Drop me an email, and I'll send you your soundscape.
not sure when you'll happen upon this comment, but I've read your Time Machine essay and... well, you can relax :D It benefited from a good, clear introduction and an admirable breadth of ideas. It can't have been easy, writing about the living dead when the sun was shining outside, but you've done it now, so I'll see you in Year 2 - but in the meantime I look forward to seeing how your summer project comes along... Drop me an email, and I'll send you your soundscape.